This story I'm about to relate, is really dear to me. I know I said I wouldn't get into anything debatable, but this one I'm willing to face head on with anyone. Of course I try to be open minded about things, and I know that what I'm about to say will probably leave you with your head spinning on where exactly I stand, but I won't deny the fact that I have very concrete opinions about this story, and how I feel. It doesn't mean they are right, or wrong, or better then anyone elses, it's just how I feel.
Warning: The images found in this article are disturbing.
October 19th, 2011 in Zanesville, Oh, roughly 56 wild animals ranging from tigers, lions, bears, wolves, giraffes, camels, monkeys and various others, were set free from a privately owned farm, apparently before the owner shot himself. Now, it hasn't been confirmed (at the time I'm writing this) that it was a suicide, but it's suspected until the autopsy report is done. Police went on an immediate hunt for these animals, posting signs on the Highway 70 about calling 911 if any animals are seen, keeping the locals and pets inside at night, and even closing down schools for Wednesday. Prompt reaction with good results. However, only 6 of these endangered and rare animals were saved and sent off to the Columbus Zoo. 6 animals total, the rest, shot on sight. Not with tranquilizer guns, but with bullets.
These highly endangered animals lost their lives, and this world is 40+ rare animals short, all because of one man's selfishness. I firmly believe he was selfish. Why would anyone want to own that many exotic animals? Now, I know someone is going to say, "Duh stupid, to save them." But check into the reports. Look at how often that guy got into trouble for Animal Cruelty, and other animal related charges. He'd just gotten out of prison a month before, on gun related charges if I'm not mistaken. (At this point, I'd like to say that I didn't research the man, I've been to thoroughly upset by the rest of this business. However, I will try to find a few links for people to check into.)
49 Animals deceased:
2 Wolves
6 Black Bears
2 Grizzly Bears
9 Male Lions
8 Lionesses
1 Baboon
3 Mountain lions
18 Tigers (one of which was a rare white tiger I believe)
This man was found dead, cages open all around him, with about 5 animals found around his body acting aggressively. They were shot on site. The crew at Columbus Zoo was called in, asking to help track and capture these animals, but with Zanesville being a few hours away, police could not just idly sit by and wait. They couldn't tranquilize them in the dark, for fear that the animals might get away and find a place to hide until the tranquilizers wore off. Case in point, a vet found a tiger just 20 yards away, shot it with a tranquilizer dart, and the tiger rushed him, causing the police to put the animal down before it even had a chance to be rescued.
This was one of the largest animal escapes in the history of our country, smack dab in the middle of suburbia. I've come to learn that Ohio has one of the weakest laws when it comes to owning an exotic pet.
Category: NB (until April 6, 2011)
Summary of Law: No person may bring into the state a non-domestic animal unless the possessor: obtains an entry permit; health certificate certifying the animal is free of infectious diseases; and a certificate of veterinary inspection. Persons in the state possessing non-domestic animals do not need to obtain a permit.
How in the hell could someone let this happen? How could someone just .. ALLOW someone to own these precious animals for the sake of owning them. Especially if the man had been accused of animal negligence and cruelty. Furthermore, how the hell and WHO the hell, took care of these animals for a whole year while the man was in prison? Just weeks before, Jack Hanna and the Governor of Ohio had been trying to set up a law to ban exotic animal ownership. I'm glad to say that this is pushing the issue faster then before, but at a horrible cost.
Luckily not one human life was lost in this tragedy, but it is not a cause of celebration for me today.
As few as 3,200
Wild tiger numbers are at an all-time low. The largest of all the Asian big cats may be on top of the food chain and one of the most culturally important and best-loved animals, but they are also vulnerable to extinction. Tigers are forced to compete for space with dense human populations, face unrelenting pressure from poaching, retaliatory killings and habitat loss across their range.
Estimates of the African lion population range between 16,500 and 47,000 living in the wild in 2002–2004, down from early 1990s estimates that ranged as high as 100,000 and perhaps 400,000 in 1950
Historically, there were around 50,000 grizzly bears in North America. Today, there are 1,000 - 1,200 grizzly bears remaining in five separate populations in the lower 48 states. In Alaska, there are thought to be over 30,000 grizzly bears.
And the facts go on. The folks at the Columbus Zoo (either only had or could only bring) 4 tranquilizer guns with them. 4 guns, for 50 animals. It was doomed before it even got started. There was no way that the police could allow for those animals to run loose over night, possibly to take off to places unknown with 12 plus hours head start on them. Most of the animals were found within 500 yards of their cages, but it's not a thing that the citizens of Zanesville and the police who protect them were willing to gamble on. Once again, there would have been no way for them to tranq them in the dark, hunt the animal down, and hope that it was fully knocked out.
I'm extremely saddened by the loss of life in this story. How else were people supposed to act? Imagine if that was your kid standing outside the next day waiting for the bus with 50 wild and dangerous animals roaming loose. I can understand the need to put these animals down, I just wish that there could have been a better way. This was a no win situation. I'm mad because they killed them, I'm mad because the state of Ohio deemed fit to just let this law slide until the last minute, I'm mad because this.. dumbass took it upon himself to own and "care" for these majestic creatures, free them, then take the cowards way out and kill himself. I mean, really? You can't take responsibility for your actions? WHY did he free those animals? WHY did he kill himself afterwards? These are questions we will probably never find the answers to. It's a shame, really, and there is nothing we can do about it now.
But there are plenty of places to help out and hopefully prevent things like this happening again. There's lots of foundations to donate to, city and government officials that you can talk to to push for better laws and regulations, and education.
I know there is a lot of things and issues going on with the Humane Society right now, but this site has great links to campaigns and issues that relate to this. Who knows, it could happen in your town, your county, your state next. Why not make sure that you can keep your neighborhood safe, as well as protect the animals and save a life. I'm urging everyone who reads this post to please contact the Governor of Ohio, or the governors of your own state to make sure that something like this never happens again. There's no excuse for this, and if we don't stand up for those that can't stand up for themselves, no one will. More accidents like this will happen, and possibly more lives lost.
Other links of interest: