Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wow, so.. this is the first post. Kinda scary, and I feel that there is A LOT of pressure to make sure this is the one that "catches the  eye" of the reader. That way, I can bring you back for more of my non-sensical  ramblings.  Fortunately for me, I don't really give a shit. So, sorry guys, but the pressure is off. 

I guess I could explain a few things, like why I'm here and what I may be writing about. First and foremost, let me say that, for the most part, I'll probably be bitching 90% of the time. I'll try to make it as funny as possible, so that you don't think I'm just whining to get sympathy. I think it would be kind of cool to actually make a connection with at least ONE other person out there while I'm rambling away.  On a side note, it'd be really helpful if my boyfriend wasn't attempting to have a full on texting conversation with me. I have A.D.D. and I really don't need to be distracted. 

Well, ok, I don't know if I really have it, I just know that I can't be bothered to focus enough attention to finding out if I have it. It's just not in me to pay attention that much. There's to many things going on around me that deserve my attention for the 0.0004 seconds I can focus. 

Back to what I was saying.. If I can remember. OH! Yeah, I'm going to attempt to make this kind of like a rant session, with random things posted here and there. My goal here is to make a few laughs, share a few stories, and hopefully clear the things off my chest that just NEED to be said. 

You may not like them, and you may not agree, but.. It's my damn blog and I'll say what I want about what I want to. Of course, there are a few subjects that I won't go into, and if you think really hard, you may actually even already know what. 



Toe socks. 

Ok, I might mention toe socks here and there. BUT DON'T SHOOT ME! I'm just the messenger. 

The idea behind this blog, starts with the name. A "Girl-topian" Society. Now, guys, don't think that this is JUST for women. I'm not gonna drag on an entire post about Aunt Flo and hormone changes. Seriously, it's not my forte. Plus, I don't want to start getting comments about personal body fluctuations. It's more along the lines of what my general idea of a working, functioning, STUPIDITY FREE society would be like. 

Yes, one of my biggest pet peeves is blatant stupidity. And I will point it out. I have no qualms about that in the least. If I see you on the street performing acts of stupidity, I will, and without hesitation, point a finger at you (hopefully while carrying a megaphone) and scream at the top of my lungs.. "WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?!". 

But back to the matter at hand. A "Girl-topian" Society. My "Girl-topian" society. Where people can say what they want and mean what they say. Where things that don't seem to matter, will. The little things, the big things, and everything in between. Say for instance, work. I will talk a lot about work. I will complain, and bitch. Friends and boyfriends will not be exempt from this either.  Things I find of value and interest.  Whatever comes into my mind that needs to be discussed, pointed out, bitched about. Questions to be asked and hopefully answered. This way, maybe if everyone can get on the same page as me (I know it'll never happen, but is is MY GIRL-TOPIAN SOCIETY after all) life would be a little bit better. Easier. Understandable. 

Then again, I do (think I)  have A.D.D. and I might just be spouting stupid shit that will make no sense to anyone. So enjoy it if you can, bring up subjects that you might want me to discuss and hopefully, if I'm lucky, I can make someone laugh, because at the end of the day, if we can all laugh together, then I've created a "Girl-topian" society. 

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